Punters clubs have a new home
05 August 2013 17:13 PM
Punters Club Hero has launched. Punters will be able to start a punters club with their mates online with everything automated and detailed information at their finger tips.
Punters Club Hero provides:
- automated payment handling
- controls bet turns
- transfers wins into your club bank
- notifies club members about turn to bet, bets placed, results and other alerts
- keeps detailed club and member statistics including a detailed balance sheet
- allows easy cash out
- allows multiple punters at once
- has a chat wall and more.
Mates who don't have access to the Internet can join your club and if you forget to invite someone they can join at any time, even after the club has started. The detailed balance sheet will ensure everyone knows exactly what each other's share in the club is at any time.
A few weeks after launch members will be able to place their bets on their mobile through the mobile version of Punters Club Hero.
Click here to start your club today.